Esther S. Ilnisky, the youngest child of loving and God-fearing parents, learned to pray from the age of three at her mother’s knees. In later years, she would stand in the doorway of her elderly Mother’s room and prophetically “catch” an impartation from her mother’s intercession as she prayed for the world. That familial inheritance has gone on to touch countless families and generations around the globe.
A wife, Mother, Pastor’s wife, missionary, intercessor, gifted pianist, author and prayer pioneer, the late Esther Ilnisky established the Esther Network International, Inc., in 1997 for world-wide intercession. This was in obedience – hence the “Yes, Lord.” - to the call of God on her life and the exhortation from her husband, Pastor Bill: “Get ready, Esther, God is going to launch you!”
Through her “Do & Teach Workshops” (Acts 1:1), Esther encouraged every Church member to be a global intercessor and lovingly spoke to those in leadership about the importance of having their own, consistent and powerful prayer lives.
Another, “Yes, Lord.” was to become a voice for children in the nations; to showcase not only their ability to pray but, their willingness and enthusiasm to pray for hours for the other children of the world. Known by many as “the mother of the movement of praying children,” Esther’s legacy spans three generations and continues mobilizing generations for prayer through ENI’s World Shapers.