God is on the “March!”
A bit of humor there BUT, he really is! In the US, God is answering prayers. (Not only ours but those of millions of our global Brothers and Sisters like you.) Much “chaos” is swirling and we must discern what is of God, what is not and what is the loud voice of the enemy screaming. God truly is marching through our lands to restore righteousness and justice Ps. 89:14 We PRAYMORE!
AND, thousands of university and college students are coming to Christ on their campuses here in the US! We PRAYMORE for it to happen in your nation. Yes, God is moving in the young generations!
The March calendar is all about the prayers of David in the Psalms from which we glean much truth, wisdom and courage.
Our calendar this month is truly “global!” Well, let’s say truly international.
WS leaders in most of our 26 nations have each contributed a prayer point and several other colleagues were invited to do so as well. Every month, Shapers from 5 continents touch the nations of the world with their intercession!
And, let’s not forget, the world looks at February as the month of ❤️! We are SO glad that God’s ❤️ for us is His focus every day of the year! Our World Shapers calendar helps us focus our ❤️ on God and others every day as well.
We are SO GLAD that you have decided to join our World Shapers to pray every day so children will know about Jesus who ❤️’s them so.
It’s going to be a great one for ENI/World Shapers!
In just twelve SHORT months we will be a quarter of the way through the 21st Century!! Imagine how many prayers will be prayed between January 1st and December 31st by our World Shapers!! AND, how many prayers will have been answered!
Father, we ask for your leading, guidance, favor and blessing on this year. We ask for increased unity, deeper intercession, bountiful provision and continued creativity to enlarge your kingdom. In Jesus’s mighty and matchless name we ask, AMEN.
Our verse for the month, Ephesians 4:22-24 instructs us “put off” the old and “put on” the new. That reminds me of another verse, Philippians 3:13 where Paul also says, “…forget the things which are behind and press forward…”
Calendar wise we are leaving, or “putting off” the very well received and powerful, “LET JESUS BE YOUR COMPASS!” theme and “putting on” for 2025, “YEAR OF TRUTH AND REVELATION.”
Our graphic designer, Chris, chooses the calendar theme each year. For 2025 you can see that, prophetically, he/we feel the time before the return of The King is short; hence the hourglass with some sand already run through.
With that in mind, there are two things we want to “press forward” with for our World Shapers family this year, “TRUTH” and “REVELATION.”
“TRUTH” - “Make them holy by your TRUTH; teach them your word which is TRUTH.” John 17:7
Psalm. 119: 9-11How can a young man stay pure? Only by living in the Word of God and walking in its TRUTH. I have longed for you with the passion of my heart; don't let me stray from your directions! I consider your Word to be my greatest treasure, and I treasure it in my heart to keep me from committing sin's treason against you.
“REVELATION” - “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are REVEALED belong to us and our children forever…” Deuteronomy 29:29
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” Luke 9:6
We are thankful to WS Director Chris Mugweri/Scripture Union Uganda and the
S. Sudan Refugee Ministry of Uganda for the December 2024 calendar - LOVE IT!
Each week has a distinctive focus which leads to great celebration and expectation for what 2025 will bring!
How wonder-full it has been to partner with our Shapers and WS leaders this year. With Kids Pray for Zero, also!
We PRAYMORE for you, your family and our WS Family in the nations as you prepare to celebrate our King; born in a stable to save us from our sins.
We are so happy to present our first monthly prayer calendar done by families in Nicaragua. 😄 AND, I, Mary Tome, am even more excited because many of this month’s prayer points have come directly from my own extended family there.
My son, Jeffrey, his wife, Mary, their three eldest children and other family members are responsible for much of the content, and 5 young girls I met at a community event contributed the rest. They had been selling some colorful and creative items they had made. I asked which were their favorites and those were the ones I bought. When I invited them to share thoughts and ideas about the needs of children in Nicaragua and beyond, they were eager to suggest prayer points.
We know these families, and you, are going to ❤️this November calendar!
A big round of applause and thanks to our World Shapers from Good Shepherd School in Gurjanwala, Pakistan! 🎉.
Every prayer point this month came from the children themselves. You are going to love praying with them in October😀.
Good job, Ambassador Fiaz!
Thanks to Judy Sellanga, WS Director/Kenya, her leaders and SHAPERS for this thoughtful and inspiring calendar.
In spite of major flooding and civil unrest in Kenya the last few months, WS Kenya has not only stayed the course in prayer but accomplished another “1st!”
August 21-24 were the dates for their 1st ever youth inspired, youth led camp!
Jonah 3:1-5 inspired the theme: “Arise and answer the call!”
God is on the move in the generations in the nations…
…for such a (critical, pivotal) time as this!
Another “1ST!” for World Shapers as my very own, wonderful, amazing, power-full, anointed group of “home-grown” World Shapers has done this month of the calendar prayer points!
Yes, I’m bragging on them😀 You would, too, if you knew them.
Young, dedicated Believer’s in Jesus and the power of prayer, it is my privilege to partner and pray with them. So, “HOORAY FOR TEAM USA!”
Thank you Wellspring Church youth for this great prayer tool.